onsemi (Ansemi)
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FOD8342 DC input 1 channel Isolation voltage (rms): 5000V 3.0 A output current, high-speed gate drive optocoupler


DC input 1 channel Isolation voltage (rms): 5000V 3.0 A output current, high-speed gate drive optocoupler
Numer części
Optocoupler/LED/Digital Tube/Optoelectronic Device > Optocoupler-Logic Output
onsemi (Ansemi)
Liczba opakowań
The FOD8342 is a 3.0 A output current gate drive optocoupler capable of driving medium power IGBT/MOSFET. It is suitable for fast switching drive of power IGBTs and MOSFETs used in motor control inverter applications and high performance power systems. The FOD8342 series utilizes tensile body encapsulation to achieve 8 mm creepage and spacing (FOD8342T), and the optimized IC design achieves reliable high insulation voltage and high noise immunity. The FOD8342 family consists of a gallium aluminum arsenide (AlGaAs) infrared light emitting diode (LED) optically coupled to an integrated circuit using a high speed driver for a push-pull MOSFET output stage. The device features a stretched body, 6-lead, small-outline plastic encapsulation.
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W magazynie 66831 PCS
Informacje kontaktowe
Słowa kluczowe FOD8342
FOD8342 Części elektroniczne
FOD8342 Obroty
FOD8342 Dostawca
FOD8342 Dystrybutor
FOD8342 Tabela danych
FOD8342 Zdjęcia
FOD8342 Cena
FOD8342 Oferta
FOD8342 Najniższa cena
FOD8342 Szukaj
FOD8342 Nabywczy
FOD8342 Chip